Wall Street Fraud WatchdogWe are 100% focused on helping corporate whistleblowers to develop their information with the goal being they get rewarded. There is little to no oversight of Wall Street or Main Street when it comes to publicly traded company chief executive officers being candid or honest with their investors. Each year tens thousands of US citizens lose billions of dollars to what would seem to be an endless number corporate schemes to not be truthful with their investors. A Publicly traded company whistleblower with proof of wrongdoing can call us about rewards anytime at 866-714-6466. Each year tens thousands of US citizens lose billions of dollars to what would seem to be an endless number corporate schemes to not be truthful with their investors. A Publicly traded company whistleblower with proof of wrongdoing can call us about rewards anytime at 866-714-6466. |
Helping Employees of a Publicly Traded Company Get Rewarded if Senior Management is not Being Honest with Investors about Corporate Profitability or Liabilities
The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog’s primary mission is assist an employee of a publicly traded company to receive a whistleblower reward via the SEC whistleblower program if the employee can prove their employer is intentionally deceiving shareholders about corporate profitability or serious undisclosed liabilities. A stock broker, investment advisor or an analyst with specific information about a publicly traded company cheating their investors could also qualify as a whistleblower.
The most amazing thing about the SEC Whistleblower Program is frequently the whistleblower name will be withheld from any public revelation about a settlement with a company and a whistleblower reward.
The types of employees-potential whistleblower the Wall Street Fraud Watchdog would like to hear from work for the following types of companies:
- A Fortune 500 Company
- A Healthcare Company
- A Phamaceutical Company
- A Real Estate Investment Trust
- A National or Regional Home Builder
- A Company Violating US Anti-Dumping Laws-Primarily with China
- A Defense Contractor
- A EB-5 Visa Developer or Regional Center
Our Services Include:
- Assisting the employee-whistleblower build out their proof of wrongdoing so they will receive the best possible SEC Whistleblower reward-peovided they possess proof their employer is being dihonest with shareholders about corporate profitability or serious liabilities. Once we have established the potential whistleblower has enough proof we will make certain they are represented by some of the nation’s most skilled and capable whistleblower attorneys. The key for us is-would the revelation of the whistleblowers information adversely impact the value of their employer’s price per share stock price.
- In the instance of investors being cheated on an investment opportunity or EB-5Visa investors sold a bill of goods about a too good to be true investment opportunity we will attempt to assist the investors recover their money. These investment opportunities include commercial real estate, multi family apartment properties, hotels, vacation or resort properties, energy projects, etc.